The Chakra Intuitive Intensive is an in-depth way to work one on one with me via phone, email and video, over a period of 5 months. Using the chakras & your whole energy system as the foundation, we will bring insight, healing, positive shifts, and lightfilled progression to all of who you are, and any issues going on for you. This program brings together my whole array of healing tools into one in depth super duper offering.
You will be receiving in depth one on one sessions, 7 videos on specific body movements to ignite each chakra, 7 Art Ritual® videos, a guidebook, 7 chakra toolkits, and more. By the end of the CII you will likely feel 'lighter', experience greater well-being, more clarity & personal empowerment, and know yourself /your own energy more intimately. You will integrate the beauty, gifts & guidance of each chakra, and have an array of 'tools' to come back to again & again for support & self care. This process has helped me so much both personally and professionally with my clients, and I'm excited to share it with you! See what others have to say about this program and how it has assisted them in their life HERE.
I'm not sure when I'll be offering the CII. For now, please consider the Chakra Attune-up: CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO.
If you think you might be interested in participating next time the CII is offered, please CLICK HERE to fill out the initial questionnaire. Looking forward!
Included for you:
* Initial Consultation~30 min by phone.
* 4 in-depth one on one sessions with me. Intuitive reading and chakra/energy medicine, as well as integration of new Light energy information that you may be ready to receive. You will have my time & attention for whatever is personally important to you right now (physically, emotionally, spiritually...etc).
* 7 videos demonstrating specific body movements & mudras to open, clear & ignite each chakra.
* 7 Art Ritual® videos~ a process you will complete for each chakra to intimately strengthen & integrate your connection & experience.
* 7 Sacred Chakra Tools Kit ~Beautiful packages mailed right to you, containing pure chakra essential oil blends, supplies for the Art Rituals®, special items I pick out just for you, plus other fun useful tools & gifts.
* Guidebook~ 35+ pages of energy wisdom, how to recognize which chakras need assistance, self care, action steps, and creating better Relationships--Finances/Abundance--Health & Spiritual Evolution through the gifts of each chakra.
* Group Energy Sessions~ a little extra support, connection & guidance for all on this journey together.
* Ongoing Email Support & Connection~ Those who get the most out of this program have tended to be the ones who share how they are doing, ask questions, send photos of their Art Rituals®..etc.
* BONUS - 25% off coupon for up to 4 additional sessions after the program ends. (good for one year from end of program)
* BONUS- 2 'Emergency Sessions'. Energy Medicine & guidance by email if 'stuff' comes up.
* BONUS- Private Facebook page. Connect & network with soul family.
(The value of all that is included in this program totals over $1500)

Chakra kits filled with goodies. |

What other's have to say

This work with Beth, provided tools that I may not otherwise have known about (e.g. physical exercises for energy, essences, essential oils), connected me with guardians and reassured me that I am not alone in this life, and in my Earthly concerns.
When I discovered the Chakra Series, I heard a voice within saying this was the right thing to do at that point of my life.
During the series I felt energetically lighter, clearer. emotionally more free and confident. spiritually more connected to things beyond me, myself and I in this world. physically, not stronger, but felt stronger.
After the series I had a lot more confidence. When I fell into a slump, and hit a roadblock again and I was reminded of what I learned and the tools that would assist me.
I really enjoyed the toolkits sent prior to the series, the quick feedback via email, skype video, and information you channeled. Your sincerity was probably the best part. Being genuine goes a long way in helping people lift themselves.
I also appreciated that we could pay in parts, not all at once.
Joannie Pan(Honolulu, Hawaii) |

I have done other chakra programs before, but this program with you is so powerful!
First the art rituals...I can't say enough about them...but I believe they are really a very important and vital part of the program. For me the art rituals keep me in the process of that particular chakra. I feel it keeps the energy moving and gives me a place and the space to put my intention and my focus for that particular chakra.
The chakra packages (candles, essential oil chakra blends...etc) and the movement meditations are also very powerful. They help me to get to know on a deeper level that particular chakra. They also keep me in the energy of the chakra, reminding me to observe throughout my day how and what I need to focus more on or acknowledge... I also love the other gifts you supply that are playful, beautiful, and fun!
All of it comes together in a very powerful process...add in the group readings and personal sessions....this has been a very powerful, loving, eye opening experience for me. I am still trying to articulate my whole process with this... I am experiencing the transformation of personal issues, my energy is flowing radiantly, and I have new insights and tools. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for putting this all together! I wouldn't change a thing about this program...I feel grateful and fortunate to be in it!
Danielle Seib (Denver,CO) Present Moment Bodywork

I absolutely loved the chakra attunement with Beth.
It was a delight to receive the packages in the mail , prepared in love and with such intention , a delight for the senses and the soul. A true gift.
The distant sessions were a delight – I loved preparing for them ie giving myself permission to stop for the few minutes and I really felt Beth’s presence connecting with me.
I so valued her insights afterwards which were accurate yet gentle.
And I loved the videos taking us through the exercises – experiential healing , taking me into the being from my head based doing and seeing her beauty and the beauty of her environment.
The series allowed me to stop and receive, remember what I have within , experience awareness of each chakra as we worked with it together , and have a sense of community although I didn’t know the others that were doing the series with me. I really valued the body based advice and realising the power of Intention – distance healing works!
I felt awareness of each chakra as I worked with it, and felt more loving towards my body. I loved the root and heart chakra exercises before moving to the crown and opening of the heart.
I loved all of the series , and wish I had been more present to putting this into daily practice as let life take over.
Thank you Beth. With love and gratitude for what you offer
Clare xxx Dr. Clare Willocks (Glasgow, Scotland) |
Thank you for your Chakra Attunement Series. It offered an open doorway to experience some of the most powerful positive transformations. Your sight and courage in connecting with my higher self enabled me the confidence to burn through some obstacles that held me hostage from experiencing my life in it's fullness.
Each session was powerful, but there was one in particular that you connected with my guardian angels and the visual that you shared moved me to tears as I felt the lattice work form over my crown, and into my radiant body. :) I truly waited like a country kid to receive your mailings in my box.
It seems that even this statement doesn't quite cover the expansive power that I felt came out of the Chakra Attunement Series. But I am so grateful.
Thank you Beth, you are truly gifted and so am I for being blessed to have received.
Faye Lynn (Missouri)
Kundalini Yoga Instructor at KC 3HO Center |
Embodied, Supported, Tribe, Ancestors, Basic Needs, "I am able", "I bless", Nature connection, Earth, Money, Perineum, Adrenals, Skin |
Creative-ness, Relating, Sensuality, Boundaries, Water, Money, Reproductive Organs, Low Back, Body Fluids. "I Create" "I Feel"
Empowerment, Discernment, Confidence, Mental Calmness & Clarity, Warrior/Warrioress, Stomach, Pancreas, Digestion. "I Trust" "I Am Authentic" |
"I Love", "I Understand", Alturism, Self Care, Authenticity, Compassion, Love, Heart, Thymus, Lungs, Breasts |
" I Listen & I Am Heard ", Communication, Personal Expression, Thyroid, Cervical Spine, Jaw, Mouth, Ears. |
"I See", Intuition, Cosmic Connection, Pituitary, Eyes. Sinuses. |
"I Am", Spirit, Divine Self, Oneness, Pineal, Brain. Connection with your Angels & Guides. |
Other chakras & aspects of the energy exist and are a part of this program.We focus on the major 7, but do at times address other energetics. I am always looking at the whole, and the whole energy of 'you' will experience our presence, will receive benefits, and may become more conscious to you. |
Participate from wherever you are!
WHERE: By email, phone and online private program page where you'll have access to the informative & instructional videos.
WHAT TO EXPECT: This is a unique energy experience. We move beyond the basics to work deeper with divinely inspired information and energy assistance.
REQUIREMENTS: Moderate-high speed internet connection. Able to receive email and watch the online videos.
REGISTER: Space is limited. Only 5 spots available because of the time & energy provided to each person. To begin, please CLICK HERE and fill out the initial questionnaire.
* Repeaters: If you've done this program with me before (in full or partially), contact me about a special discount.
* If you don't love the program after the first 30 days, just let me know and there'll be no obligation to continue. Just let me know and any extra payments you might have made will be returned (ie..any payments beyond the initial deposit and first monthly payment, which covers initial packages mailed to you, initial consultation and your first in depth session)
QUESTIONS? Please let me know: |